First, ensure that you are the root user. After that, run the following command to download the Flume binaries.
sudo -i
Now you need to untar the file by running the following command.
tar -zxvf apache-flume-1.9.0-bin.tar.gz
You will now need to run the following commands to go to the Flume Binaries directory and copy the flume configuration file.
Now, run the following commands to go to the parent /root directory and open the .bash_profile file.
vi .bash_profile
Copy the following text to the end of this file. Make sure that you press I first to enter the INSERT mode.
export PATH=$PATH:/root/apache-flume-1.9.0-bin/bin
After this, press the Esc button and then type :wq! to exit the vi editor.
source .bash_profile
You have now installed Flume on your EMR cluster. To verify whether Flume has been successfully installed, run the following command.
flume-ng version
Configure Flume Agent & Create Temporary UpGrad Logs
Open the terminal and change to root user using the following command:
sudo -i
Configure the Flume agent to consolidate the logs from the spoolDir source to an Avro sink. Create spool.conf to configure the agent using the following command:
vi spool.conf
Press i and insert the following:
#list sources, sinks and channels in the agent
spoolagent.sources = spoolsrc
spoolagent.channels = sachnl
spoolagent.sinks = avrosnk
# define the flow
spoolagent.sources.spoolsrc.channels = sachnl = sachnl
# source type properties
spoolagent.sources.spoolsrc.type = spooldir
spoolagent.sources.spoolsrc.spoolDir = /tmp/UpGradLogs
# sink type and properties
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.type = avro
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.hostname = localhost
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.port = 12345
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.batch-size = 100
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.rollCount = 0
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.rollInterval = 0
spoolagent.sinks.avrosnk.rollSize = 100000
# channel type and properties
spoolagent.channels.sachnl.type = file
Press escape and type :wq! to save and exit.
Configure the Flume agent to consolidate the logs from the Avro source to an HDFS sink.
Create hdfssink.conf to configure the Flume agent using the following command:
vi hdfssink.conf
Press i and insert the following:
#list sources, sinks and channels in the agent
hdfsagent.sources = avrosrc
hdfsagent.sinks = hdfssnk
hdfsagent.channels = hachnl
# define the flow
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.channels = hachnl = hachnl
# source type properties
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.type = avro
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.bind = localhost
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.hostname = localhost
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.port = 12345
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.batch-size = 100
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.rollCount = 0
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.rollInterval = 0
hdfsagent.sources.avrosrc.rollSize = 100000
# sink type and properties
hdfsagent.sinks.hdfssnk.type = hdfs
hdfsagent.sinks.hdfssnk.hdfs.path = /test/flume/data
# channel type and properties
hdfsagent.channels.hachnl.type = memory
hdfsagent.channels.hachnl.capacity = 100000
hdfsagent.channels.hachnl.transactionCapacity = 100000
Press escape and type :wq! to save and exit.
On the terminal with the root user, remove the ‘UpGradLogs’ and ‘test’ folders if they already exist using the following command:
rm -rf /tmp/UpGradLogs
hadoop fs -rm -r /test
UpGradLogs is a folder inside /tmp. This will be generated when you run the LogGenerator.jar, and it will contain the logs. To avoid any conflict ahead, you need to remove the folder.
Similarly, test will be a folder inside HDFS where the ingested logs will be dumped; so, you need to remove it too in order to avoid any conflict ahead.
The final logs will reside at /test/flume/data. Let’s check whether any data is currently in this directory using the following command:
hadoop fs -ls /test/flume/data
On the terminal with the root user, download and run the JAR file to generate logs at /tmp/UpgradLogs using the following commands:
wget -P /root/LogGeneratorProcess
chmod 755 /root/LogGeneratorProcess/LogGenerator.jar
java -jar /root/LogGeneratorProcess/LogGenerator.jar
Open a new terminal, change to root user (sudo -i), and run these commands to see the list of log files generated after the JAR has completed running:
ls /tmp/UpGradLogs
Open a new terminal, change to root user (sudo -i), and run the log collection Flume agent using the following command:
flume-ng agent -n spoolagent -c conf -f spool.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
This Flume agent will consolidate the logs from the spoolDir source to an Avro sink.
Open a new terminal, change to root user (sudo -i), and run the HDFS Flume agent using the following command:
flume-ng agent -n hdfsagent -c conf -f hdfssink.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
This Flume agent will now consolidate the logs from the Avro source to an HDFS sink.
Open a new terminal, change to root user (sudo -i), and check the Hadoop file directory using the following command:
hadoop fs -ls /test/flume/data
So now, you have your data at the /test/flume/data folder. You can see the content of any of the files using cat.
hadoop fs -cat /test/flume/data/*
You can see how the logs residing at the /tmp/UpGradLogs folder are ingested inside HDFS using the two Flume agents. Moreover, the logs files at /tmp/UpGradLogs that are successfully ingested are given a ‘.completed’ suffix by Flume, which helps the Flume agent identify which files not to ingest again.
Press Ctrl-C to exit the processes on each terminal.